Sunday, December 19, 2010

Epigenetics: Taking Comfort In Our Genes

For years we have been taught that our genes are determined and that the diseases we develop are the result of bad genes. There seems to be nothing we can do but just accept our fate and hope someone finds a cure for the diseases we inherit. We have even taken a sort of perverse comfort in this, throwing up our hands and saying that it is not our fault. There is really nothing we could have done differently to avoid our diseases. But is this really comforting? Would it not be more comforting if we could affect our genes in such a way to prevent the development of disease?
Darwin introduced the idea that genes take millions of years to change based on natural selection. Genes are supposedly set in stone and produce whatever disease or beneficial trait that they encode and cannot be changed, at least by the inheritor. While we as Christians who believe in a Biblical creation do not accept Darwin’s millions-of-years idea, we have all been influenced by his thinking that the gene and gene product cannot be changed except by natural selection and changes in the gene pool. 
However, scientists are discovering that while genes themselves do not seem to change, what a gene produces is highly influenceable so that even if you have certain genetic weaknesses or programming, given the right conditions, you do not have to express those genes. That is, certain genes seem to be able to be turned on or off based on our choices.
This field of research, called epigenetics, had its beginnings in northern Sweden where the winters are harsh and the growing season can be either extremely abundant or very bleak. The data collected from generations of families who lived here during these conditions has shown that abundance versus near starvation can turn on or off certain genes and lead to disease or early death in the grandchildren of those who experienced these conditions. A couple of examples: grandchildren of those who experience near starvation in childhood had more trouble with obesity and diabetes, grandchildren of those who experienced years of plenty and overate lived significantly shorter lives.
Another example of changing gene expression is that of agouti mice, born with a yellow coat and a genetic defect that results in obesity and diabetes. These mice while pregnant can be fed a special diet rich in B vitamins that turns their bad genes off so that their offspring, while born with the same genetic defect do not express it but instead are born brown, slender mice that have no weight problem or diabetes.
Even the genetic expression of brain function can be changed, it seems. Epigenetic studies have been done with mice that have a genetic memory problem. These mice have been exposed to an enriched environment with toys, games, and more stimulation and interaction, and their memories have shown some improvement. However their offspring, while having the same genetics, have displayed improved memory without any added stimulation which seems to be the result of the stimulation of their parents.
Data is also being collected on identical twins which have the same DNA and should also have the same epigenetic marks. However, scientists are finding that one twin will develop a genetic disease later in life and another will not. We still have much to learn but it seems possible that our individual choices in our own lifetime may turn on or off certain genes so that the gene expression of twins with the same genes diverge as they make different choices in life.
Our human genetic code, called DNA, is a set of code that consists of about 25,000 genes, mapped by the Human Genome Project. That code produces proteins that have certain functions in the body. Epigenetic marks are the marks above the DNA that tell it how to express that code. This is necessary since every cell has the same DNA code, yet each tissue expresses it in different ways so that we have a body with many functions and different parts such as skin cells, hair cells, brains cells, and hearts cells. We do not yet know the total number of epigenetic marks but it is estimated to be in the millions. Once complete, the Human Epigenome Project is predicted to make the Human Genome Project look “like homework that 15th century kids did with an abacus (1)” 
In Time magazine’s article on Epigenetics, the author concludes that there is good news and bad news to these new findings. The bad news, he says, is that bad lifestyle choices can have bad effects on our children and grandchildren, while the good news is that epigenetic scientists will be working on drugs that can target these specific epigenetic marks to combat the problems we cause by our bad choices (1). Wow! Is it just me or is there something missing in this logic? When I read that I felt like there was an elephant in the room that no one wanted to acknowledge. While it surely is bad news that our offspring will suffer from our bad choices, what I see here is good news in that if we change our lifestyle and make good choices our offspring will benefit and perhaps we can eliminate entire diseases from future generations of our family tree by creating good lifestyle habits. Can you imagine how thankful our children and grandchildren would be to not struggle with the genetic predisposition to obesity, diabetes, some forms of heart disease, or certain genetically linked cancers? Once again, medicine and science continue to look for answers to our poor lifestyle choices not by changing our lifestyle but by inventing a drug so we can continue to make the same poor choices and not reap the same consequences. Well I don’t really think it is going to work. That is just too simplistic of an approach. With millions of epigenetic marks that affect our 25,000 genes why don’t we stop trying to find the magic pill and start making good lifestyle choices? I think it makes a lot more sense.
1. Cloud, John. “Why Your DNA Isn’t Your Destiny.” Time Magazine. Jan 6, 2010.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Homosexuality: Predispositions

I recently had a conversation with my sister and her boyfriend on the topic of homosexuality and whether or not one is born gay or chooses to be gay. What do you believe? Are homosexuals born with same sex attraction or do they choose to be attracted to the same sex? The topic intrigues me because as a minister I have to be prepared to give an answer according to the word of God. Many churches are being asked to answer these types of questions. As I contemplated on the conversation this is what I believe the word of God has to say.
I personally believe sin has caused certain people to be born with a gay predisposition. It is sin and not God that has caused all predispositions to evil. Nevertheless God’s word promises everyone the power to change our sinful nature/predispositions.[1]
How then do I explain that many who claim to be gay say, “They have always known they were gay and God made me that way.” I believe I have a probable, plausible, persuasive and biblical explanation. Yet before we begin I build on the premise that the Bible clearly condemns a homosexual lifestyle.[2]  With that being said I go on to my explanation.
We are all born with certain predispositions/temptations to sin for our natures are sinful[3]. To some food may be their vice, to others money, to others still it is a predisposition/temptation to lie, towards laziness, towards lust, the list is endless. I personally know men whose predisposition is to have many sexual partners. However a person’s disposition/temptations do not justify his/her actions when they contradict the word of God and this is where homosexuality enters the mix.
If we examine our lives carefully we all have certain temptations that strike each of us “closer to home.” Satan is always trying to find in us the path of least resistance and we all have those avenues we need to guard. Yet we also have avenues Satan does not seem fit to tempt us with. For example the enemy never tempts me with alcohol because he would be wasting his time. Nothing in me is in the least bit tempted on that avenue. The same goes for homosexuality that does not resonate with me. Yet there are individuals that it does and this is where Satan attacks.
Temptations[4] are real. Gay and straight people are both severely tempted. Yet temptations should not justify sinful choices. Nevertheless temptations are powerful. Early on Satan begins to whisper to a child that they ought to be gay. Any sign of giving in to that suggestion will be followed up by more gay suggestions. Satan will beat that temptation like a drum until it seems the constant temptations are who we are “supposed” to be. Combine that with society now applauding gay behavior and certain ministers coming out and you have the excuse there desire crave[5]. However, that tempted individual should continue to resist the temptation to gay behavior because it violates the direct teachings of the Bible. If you read the scriptures the Bible condemns the action of homosexuality not the temptation/predisposition towards it. Just like a husband is not condemned as an adulterer simply because he was tempted to it, the condemnation comes when he gives in to the temptation/predisposition and does not repent.[6]
Condemnation for giving into temptations applies both to gay and straight individuals. A heterosexual young man engaging in premarital sex[7] is condemned as well. Yet some would say, “at least a heterosexual young man has the hope of marriage, gays are told to live solo for life.” That may be the case but wouldn’t you rather obey God and allow His grace to sustain you[8]?  Living without sexual intimacy could be part of God’s calling on your life. Jesus, Paul, and others[9]  have done so for the sake of the gospel. We are all born with a predisposition to certain temptations yet giving into them is not the solution; trusting God’s word is the answer.
Heterosexual men and women should not give in to their temptation to premarital sex. Thieves should not give in to their temptation to steal. Pedophiles should not give in to their temptation to molest. A spouse tempted to commit adultery should not give in to their temptation to an extramarital affair.  We are not to carry out every predisposition we are tempted to, simply because we are tempted. We are called to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”[10] We have been given the power of choice and the grace of God to empower that choice.

We all have been called to carry our cross[11] and you might feel celibacy is one you cannot bare yet God can give you the strength to endure all things.
“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13


[1]  Romans chapter 6 and 2 Cor. 5:17
[2] Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26, 27
[3] Romans 7:14 …but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin.

[4] 1 Cor. 10:13
[5] James 1:14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.

[6] John 3:19-21
[7] Hebrews 13:4
[8] 2 Corinthians 12:9 And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness."
[9] Matthew 19:12 ...and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven.
[10] Galatians 5:24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

[11] Luke 14:27 "Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cancer and Nutrition

The purpose of this article is to present encouraging evidence regarding cancer prevention which also may be integrated into a plan for cancer treatment. You and your physician work as a team and need enough evidence to make informed decisions.
You won’t commonly hear this from the medical profession, and there are several reasons for this. One reason is that physicians receive very little nutrition instruction in medical school. Hence, most nutrition instruction in our society comes from the media and government organizations which are both heavily influenced by big industry and government lobbies. Unfortunately this represents a serious conflict of interest.
A second reason the medical profession is often silent on true prevention is that physicians tend to be focused on symptoms. We as physicians are taught to think about the underlying cause of disease, but in practice we get very used to treating symptoms with a pill or surgery. In cancer treatment there especially tends to be a disconnect when it comes to thinking about treating the cause. Most physicians tend to view cancer as a local disease that needs to be surgically removed, unless it spreads; then if it spreads, each of those components needs to be destroyed either by radiation or chemotherapy. It may seem logical to focus on a medication cure since antibiotics cure infection, and thus it would be natural to hope a medication could cure every disease. 
A third reason you do not hear about nutrition and lifestyle is that there is no financial gain in this method for the researchers.  The major drug companies fund most of our research.  They do not profit from, nor fund, lifestyle education—they profit from drugs, so that is what they fund.  Medicine is a business, like anything else, and has been greatly influenced by the drug business, and the drug-influenced research which it has produced.  
A final reason diet and lifestyle as prevention or treatment is not discussed by most physicians is that it does not seem like a pleasant option, because it is not a quick fix like a pill or surgery but instead a complete lifestyle change.  Physicians are paid little for the time it takes to teach and motivate. When they do take the time to teach proper lifestyle it can be disheartening because most patients tend to believe what the media says and what they have heard all their lives over what the doctor says.
However, research on the link of nutrition and lifestyle to cancer is significant. Many do not want to acknowledge the studies because they are not the ideal study of the medical profession which is the double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial. I agree that this is the ideal study design, but there are many treatments that cannot be blinded because it would be impossible, such as certain types of surgery, and yet we still have respect for these interventions. There are also things we cannot perfectly study since we cannot randomize people to certain things because of ethics, or because the study subjects are unwilling. But that does not mean the research done should be ignored.
There have been numerous studies over the years linking diet to cancer. The most extensive review of all these individual studies was seen in the following:
Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: a global perspective, released by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) in 1997. This report by a panel of experts chaired by Dr John Potter based its findings on over 4,500 credible scientific studies, and details patterns of diet and cancer throughout the world and examines the effects of various aspects of diet on 18 cancer sites. From these studies the above panel concluded the following to be obvious:
  • Vegetable and fruit consumption is associated with lower risk of cancer at almost every site
  • Alcohol is highly detrimental for cancers of many sites (not just the liver) 
  • Meat and animal fats are detrimental. 
Some of the most significant and recent research is from the China Study, recognized as the largest epidemiological (population study) study ever done (called the Grand Prix of Epidemiology by the New York Times). This study, lasting over 20 years surveyed the diets of the Chinese people in various regions and the diseases in those same regions.  While they found thousands of correlations, in general what they found regarding cancer was that meat and dairy intake were directly related to cancer. That is, the areas that ate more meat and dairy had more cancer, and to a predictable degree. Likewise studies have shown that when individuals moved from an area of low cancer risk to an area of high cancer risk, within two generations they had the same cancer risk of the area to which they moved.  
Another interesting study was done by Dr Campbell prior to his work on the China Study, in which he injected aflatoxin, a known carcinogen linked to liver cancer, into rats, then fed them varying levels of animal or plant protein diets. What he found was that the rats fed virtually no animal protein did not grow tumors, while those fed more animal protein had more and faster growing tumors. When fed plant protein at any level the rats did not grow tumors and when those with tumors were fed a diet at any level of plant protein (and no animal protein) the tumors largely arrested growth or regressed. 
To be fair, there have been studies that have shown no benefit on cancer from adding plant foods to the diet, but these studies in general have had so little difference in the animal protein and plant components that they can not be considered a fair test. It would be like studying the difference in lung cancer caused by smoking filtered cigarettes compared to regular cigarettes and upon seeing no difference claiming that cigarettes are not harmful at all. Hardly a fair conclusion! 
We can clearly see that current research implicates lifestyle and diet as major contributors to cancer. Particularly, animal protein seems to be at least a significant cofactor that allows cancer to grow, while plant foods inhibit this growth.  While there are many possible causes of cancer such as radiation, chemicals, toxins, viruses, and genetics, perhaps it is not so simple as an outside source invading us and taking over, or simply the inheritance of bad genetics over which we have no control.  We are complex creatures and cannot afford to ignore the interaction of our own physiology with cancer and also with everything we do and eat and even think. So the most logical approach would be to think carefully about the fuel we put in our bodies, one of our most intimate interactions with our environment. Does it matter what we put in a car for fuel? Would it run as well with water or corn oil or ketchup? How much more important what we put in our bodies! How can we worry about the environment around us and how it impacts our health (a valid concern) and yet not worry about what we put in our bodies? Cancer is complex and I will not try to make it out to be simple.  What we need is to take a comprehensive approach to prevention and treatment by curbing behaviors that contribute to the development of cancer and starting new behaviors that help prevent it or increase the body’s natural abilities to fight it.
Now for a word about the cancer industry. There are many great doctors and individuals working hard to solve the problem that is cancer. And they are very sincere, but despite the best of intentions research does not support that we are “winning the war” on cancer.  While there have been individual treatments that have been introduced showing some benefit, treatment outcomes for most cancers really have not changed much in years.  Outcomes that have changed can quite possibly be attributed to earlier screening plus the fact that all “cure” outcomes are based on 5-year survival, so that if you get screened earlier there is a good chance you will live longer regardless of treatment.  And also keep in mind that the benefit of cancer treatment drugs are usually presented in terms of relative numbers which sound significantly better than the absolute numbers.  An example of this is a study done with 1000 participants, half of which are put on a treatment drug X. If 2 people are expected to get a disease and now with drug X they find that only 1 person gets the disease, that is a 50% improvement with the drug, whereas the absolute benefit is only 1/1000. This is statistical terminology that most people do not understand that could make the treatment sound better than it is in reality.
What I have argued for is diet and lifestyle as prevention of cancer, which a large amount of evidence supports, but I also want to argue that diet and lifestyle should be at least part of treatment for cancer. Admittedly I have no solid evidence for this based on double blind randomized human studies because there are no large scale studies of this nature for treatment of cancer. So in making this argument all I have to go on are five things:  (1) cancer risk is highly associated with diet; (2) in animal studies growth of cancer has been affected dramatically by dietary change, especially showing growth with animal protein, and showing arrest or even reversal with a plant based diet; (3) there have been numerous case studies in which individuals have had resolution of their cancer by dietary and lifestyle change; (4) traditional chemo and radiation, in terms of absolute numbers, is still not that great. I’m not saying that you should not take chemo or radiation, since this is a personal choice you make along with your physician, but I do think you should thoroughly understand the benefits and side effects of such treatment, and get the absolute numbers to help you make your decision.  And I do worry that we try to fight cancer with treatments that destroy our immune system, which could help us fight it (chemo) or treatments that tend to create cancer (radiation).  (5) Finally, adding proper diet as a component of cancer therapy will certainly not harm and it very well might help.
I do have hope that some day the medical profession, my profession, may catch the vision of lifestyle prevention and treatment of disease. If they do, it will not be because of any financial gain, and it will take much effort and years of swimming against the flow of the drug companies, big food industries and government lobbyists which influence government policies and education. For now I feel that I cannot ethically wait to share this information with you, for the motto of my profession is this: “FIRST, DO NO HARM.” 

1. Melina, M.S., R.D., and Davis, R.D. Becoming Vegan, 2000: 26-27
2. Campbell and Campbell II. The China Study, 2006.
3. Anderson. Healing Cancer From Inside Out, 2009.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Subtle Killings

Have you ever wondered what Satan is planning for your life?
What is his ultimate design for you?
Well in the first two chapters of the book of Job we get a glimpse behind the scene into what many know as the battle between good and evil.
Interestingly enough Job is described as a “blameless and upright” man, one who “feared God and shunned evil.” This description is worthy of imitation in our spiritual walk with God. Yet at this point the story begins to peer behind the scene of human history.
Satan appears in an unlikely place, heaven. Then God and Satan begin some small talk about what Satan has been doing. God asks,

“From where do you come?”

Satan replies, "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it."

So God chimes in and says,

"Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."

Satan blurts, "Does Job fear God for nothing?"

"Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face."

And so the challenge was on, God knew Job would remain faithful but now Satan sought to disprove God.

Satan’s first test was to destroy all of Jobs wealth and kill his children (how diabolical), but Jobs reaction to this onslaught was to worship God.

Job continued to trust God.

God said,

“I told you Job would still trust me”

Satan replied,

"Skin for skin! A man will give up everything he has to save his life.”

So in a crazy turn of events God said,

"All right, do with him as you please, but spare his life."

“So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.”

But in all this pain and madness Job continued to trust in God, but here is where Satan makes his subtle move. God said Satan could not kill him but that was Satan’s desire for Job and his ultimate goal for you and me. We sometimes think Satan wants to destroy our finances, our families, or make us sick but that is not his plan for you. Catch the subtlety here and ponder what Jobs wife tells him.

"Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die."

Did you catch it?

Everything Satan put Job through was to drive him to a point of despair so that when his wife told him to

“Curse God and die” he would see no hope and kill himself thereby doing Satan’s dirty work for him. Sinister indeed! In all this, Job maintained his trust in God.

However the story does not end there at least not for you and me. Satan is still trying to kill every one of us.

Do you know what the top five diseases that kill Americans are?

1. Heart disease - According to the American Heart Association cardiovascular disease was responsible for over 34% of deaths in the United States and is the single leading cause of death in America today.
2. Cancer - According to the American Cancer Society, cancer is a leading cause of death in America today.
3. Stroke - When an artery leading to the brain is blocked by a clot or buildup of plaque, that area of the brain can be damaged by lack of blood and oxygen. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the United States.
4. Respiratory Diseases - Respiratory diseases that block airflow in your lungs such as emphysema and bronchitis are part of a group of diseases defined as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is a leading cause of death in the United States and worldwide.
5. Type II Diabetes - Type II diabetes is one of the major causes of death in America and causes damage to kidneys, nerves, eyes, and your heart.

We saw earlier that God said Satan could not kill Job, and he cannot kill us either so CATCH THE SUBTLETY.


Americans are causing these illnesses themselves, we are killing ourselves. All five can be largely avoided by the choices you make at the dinner table. Satan cannot kill us so he gets us to do it for him by the way that we eat.

Sinister indeed!   

The evidence is clear and abundant that the American diet is the cause of these diseases. Books such as “The China Study,” “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” and many like it have proven it with scientific evidence.

The good news is that we do not have to do Satan's dirty work for him! You can basically avoid these diseases. You can tell Satan “no more!” Below are links to more information to help you gain the victory and live a long and prosperous life.

May God bless you to make the changes you need to make and remember:

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

Gio and Larie

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